Monday, January 27, 2020

Review On The Capital Structure Debate Finance Essay

Review On The Capital Structure Debate Finance Essay Corporations fund their operations by raising capital from a variety of distinct sources. The mix between the different sources, generally referred to as the firms capital structure has attracted considerable attention from academics and practitioners. Debt and equity are raised by firms to finance new investment projects. As such, both of them are sources of funds for the business. Debt usually consists of bank loans either long term or short term whereas equity consists of stocks and bonds. Hence, capital structure refers to the mixture of debt and equity finance used by a company to finance its activities. The correct choice of the mix of debt and equity is questionable. Financial managers problem is to find out the combination of securities that have the greatest overall appeal to investors. Moreover individual firms often change their debt ratios over time, perhaps responding to changes in investment opportunities, agency costs and so on. According to R Charles Moyer, James R. McGuigan and William J. Kretlow (1982), leverage is closely related to capital structure in the financial field. 2.1.1 Importance It is found that there are basically three types of financing decisions taken by firms namely the (i) the distribution of earnings which is the consumption decision, (ii) the capital budgeting decision,i.e, the investment decision and (iii) the capital structure decision. The capital structure decision is fundamental in order to carry out the other two financing decisions, i.e how much cash should the firm lend or borrow in order to carry out the consumption and investment decision. The capital Structure decision is important since profits of various organizational constituencies are maximized as well as the organization is able to deal with its competitive milieu. 2.2 Theories of Capital Structure 2.2.1 Traditional View The traditional view specifies that when a firm uses the right mix of debt and equity, the lowest its WACC, the more it will maximize the firms value due to the tax advantage of debt. If a firm wants to make an optimal capital structure decision, it will have to choose those sources of finance that gives the lowest cost of capital which will in turn lead to the lowest WACC. However, it is to be noted that as gearing increases, the cost of equity and consequently the bankruptcy risk will increase which will in turn lead to an increase in the cost of debt. However, the validity of this theory has been criticized since there is no underlying theory which shows by how much the cost of equity should increase due to increased leverage and by how much the cost of debt should increased due to increased in bankruptcy risk. 2.2.2 Modigliani and Miller Theory In their landmark paper in 1958, the Modigliani Miller Theorem (Modigliani and Miller, 1958, 1961) says that the value of a firm and the investment decisions should be autonomous from its capital structure. In other words, leverage should have no effect on investment decisions. However, the Modigliani Miller Theorem assumes a world with no taxes, information asymmetries or agency costs. Assuming perfect capital markets, they propounded to what is today widely known theory of capital structure irrelevance which means that the capital structure that a company chooses does not affect its value. Later theories argue that leverage clearly can matter due to the effect of taxes, information and agency costs (Myers, 2001). Later, in 1963, Modigliani and Miller took taxation under consideration and proposed that companies should employ as much debt capital as possible in order to achieve the optimal capital structure. Along the lines with corporate taxation, numerous studies also analyzed the case of personal taxes imposed on individuals. Miller (1977) suggests tax rates in the tax legislation of the some of the OECD countries that evaluate the total value of the company. These are the corporate tax rate, the tax rate on income in the form of dividends and the tax rate on interest income. According to Miller, the value of the company depends on the relative percentage and importance of each tax rate, compared with the other two. With respect to theoretical studies, there are two widely acknowledged competitive models of capital structure namely the static trade off model and the pecking order hypothesis. 2.2.3 Tradeoff/ Static Theory This approach presents capital structure as a balance between positive and negative effects of leverage respectively linked to a firms tax advantages and financial risk. The trade off theory introduces into the capital structure debate the benefit of the debt tax shield on one hand and the cost associated with financial distress on the other. The implication of this theory is that each firm has an optimal debt ratio that maximises value, although this level may vary between firms. Moreover, the trade off theory is often further extended to incorporate agency considerations. This is in the spirit of Jensen and Meckling (1976) who note that debt is valuable in reducing the agency costs of equity but at the same time debt is costly as it increases the agency costs of debt. However, there are factors that this theory cannot explain such as why companies are generally conservative in using debt finance, for example, some successful companies such as major pharmaceutical manufacturers continue to operate with low leverage. Furthermore, this theory cannot explain why leverage is negatively related to profitability as reported by Myers (1993), Titman and Wessels (1988) and Fama and French (2000). 2.2.4 Pecking Order Theory Pecking Order Theory is considered as one of the most influential theories of capital structure According to Myres (1984), this theory advocates an order in the choice of finance due to different degrees of information asymmetry and related agency costs embodied in distinct sources of finance. As such, retained earnings are used first since they constitute the cheapest means of finance, hardly being affected by any information asymmetry. Second, debt is used as there is low information asymmetry due to fixed obligations acting as an effective monitoring device. Finally, external equity is used only as a last resort as it conveys adverse signaling effect as explained by event studies. This theory also claims that there is no optimal capital structure that maximises the firms value. The attraction of interest tax shields and the treatment of financial distress are therefore assumed to be second order of importance, because debt ratios change when there is an imbalance of internal cash flows net of dividends and real investment opportunities. Profitable firms work down to low debt ratios, while those whose viable investment opportunities exceed internally generated funds tend to borrow more and more. The pecking order form of financing is also influenced by information asymmetries which are where investors make inferences about a firms prospects based on managements financing decisions. A positive impact on the share price only occurs if management chooses to refinance with debt rather than equity, because the firms prospects are then viewed as being good (i.e. by investors). Managers thus avoid the alternative scenario (a decline in the share price due to new equity issues) by maintaining a borrowing capacity or financial slack that consists of retained earnings and/or marketable securities. 2.2.5 Agency Theory Jensen and Meckling (1976) pinpoint the existence of the agency problem which arises due to the conflicts either between managers and shareholders (agency cost of equity capital) or between shareholders and debt holders (agency cost of debt capital). Promoters with major shareholding usually consider the impact of raising funds via equity financing. However, more equity shareholders would imply a dilution of control. Therefore, in order to retain control over management, some firms prefer debt financing. Theory supports that leverage matters due to the effect on agency costs. Leverage is predicted to reduce the agency costs from the manager-shareholder conflict; thereby mitigating the investment inefficiency resulting from this conflict. The Free Cash Flow theory (Jensen, 1986) suggests that debt reduces the agency cost of free cash flow. He also argues that, since debt commits the firm to pay out cash, it reduces that amount of free cash flow available to managers to engage in self interest activities. Debt financing ensures that the management is disciplined to making efficient investment decisions which will maximize the firms value and that they are not pursing individual decisions which will increase the profitability of bankruptcy. The mitigation of the conflicts between managers and shareholders constitutes the benefit of debt financing. Furthermore, Jensen argues that debt also imposes strong control effects on managers. Debt holders can exert a stronger control of the firm than shareholders. A promise to shareholders to payout a certain amount in dividends is considered weak since it is not binding (dividends can be reduced in the future). Debt creation, however, forces managers to effectively bond their promise to pay out future cash flows. The debt holders have the right to take the firm to bankruptcy court if the firm cannot make its debt service payments. The threat caused by failure to make debt service payments serves as an effective motivation force for managers to make their firms more efficient. Thus, through the reduction of free cash flows and control effects, leverage is presumed to mitigate the manager-shareholder conflict and overinvestment. According to Harris and Raviv (1990), the role of debt in allowing investors to generate information useful for monitoring management and implementing efficient operating decisions. Debt-holders use their legal rights to force management to provide information. The optimal amount of debt is determined by trading-off the value of information and opportunities for disciplining management against the probability of incurring costs. Monitoring costs would be incurred by debt-holders to ensure that the managers do not increase the risk of the firm by investing in risky projects. However, by investigating in risky projects, free cash flows can fluctuate and debt holders might not be paid. To prevent this, banks will have to monitor the firm and will thus impose a number of conditions, for example, the firm will keep a particular liquidity ratio as decided by the banks analysis. Subsequently, the cost of debt will increase since it will include the agency costs. As a result WACC will increa se and eventually the value of the firm will decrease. Hence, the firm will not be able to take maximum of debt since the cost of debt will increase because of the monitoring costs that have to be adhered to. Therefore, firms with relatively higher agency costs due to the inherent conflict between the firm and the debt-holders should have lower levels of outside debt financing and leverage. 2.2.6 The Signaling Hypothesis The Signaling Theory is based n the assumption that managers possess superior knowledge as insiders as opposed to outside investors who know much less about the economic health of a firm. This hypothesis suggests that managers may choose financial leverage as means to send signals to the public about the future of the company. Ross (1977) claimed that greater average financial leverage is used by managers to signal an optimistic future about the firm. Furthermore, Leland and Pyle (1977) argued that an owners willingness to invest in his own project conveys a positive information to the market since it can be used as a signal for project quality. 2.2.7 Bankruptcy Cost Arguments against/For debt (put I table in Appendix in case in excess)

The Problems In The Emergency Department Of Services

The Problems In The Emergency Department Of Services The report contains the actual hypothetical findings from which every prospective general public can benefit because the hospital is basically for public. The drastic differences between the government and private hospitals have revolutionized the private hospitals by creating more competition day by day. This report will discuss all the problems and issues of the Emergency Department of Services Hospital. This report has been accomplished by analyzing the recruitment statistics for Emergency Department as well as their whole process of their methodology. There were several problems in the department which we observed. This report will discuss about the patient problems, doctor problems, facilities, corruption and the hygiene environment and it will also discuss their solutions. The word hospital comes from the Latin hopes which refers to either a visitor or the host who receives the visitor. From hopes came the Latin hospitalia, an apartment for strangers or guests, and the medieval Latin hospitale. Hospital Hospital only took on its modern meaning as an institution where sick or injured are given medical or surgical care Emergency It is a place where person got first aid and doctors suggestion immediately Background Lahore is the second largest city of Pakistan. It is the Capital of Province, Punjab. Lahore has many hospitals and services hospital is one of them. It is located in Jail road, near Punjab cardiology. Before giving a brief introduction about services hospital I want to tell you about the hospital. In 1958 a separate outpatient department of Mayo hospital, was setup for the government employees. In 1960 it was converted into 55 beds and named as Wahdat hospital. It had medical and surgical facilities together with laboratory and X-rays unit. Later on it was named as Services Hospital. In 1977 it was became the teaching hospital of the Llama Iqbal medical college and now it has its own medical college known as SIMS. It was declared autonomous institute in 1999. In order to make to make the emergency department fully functional, a comprehensive ATLS training progress undergraduate MBBS and nursing student is being organized. In addition staff working in the emergency department is being trained on regular basis to handle emergency patients and disaster victims. The description of problems is the patients problems that what kind of problems are being faced by patients. Hygiene environment that what is the current condition of hygiene in the department. Facilities that kind of facilities are being provided to doctors, staff and patients and the corruption. This research proposes to study the major problems of Emergency Hospital and to find out the causes of these problems, to find out what improvements have taken place in the past for the betterment of this department from 2005-2009 As Services Hospital is one of the biggest and oldest Hospital of Lahore; and is currently facing many problems that are why a detailed research must be conducted, so that we should be able to make people and the Government aware from the situation of the hospital. The scope of this research is to cover all the major problems that the Emergency Department is currently facing like environment pollution, hygiene/ cleanliness, patients problems, doctors and staff problem, security, parking, and then to find out what steps can be taken to solve these problems. We divided the problems among group members. Each member contains two domain. Sundus Farooq has covered the Problems of patients and Hygiene environment. Ahsan Akram covered the Facilities and Corruption. Literature Review One thing is for sure the people who are living near the hospital face many problems. One of the big is the dispose of syringes and other material near the residential areas which creates many problems and causes severe kind of diseases. We were searching the newspapers to get some information about the hospitals. We got various regarding the issues about the hospitals, but we are just writing the two news. One thing is for sure the people who are living near the hospital face many problems. One of the big issue is the disposed of syringes and other material near the residential areas which creates many problems and can cause multiple diseases. (Ali Raza, 2010) also discuss the problem of waste disposed. He said that the Environment Protection Department (EPD) has initiated legal action against hospitals for disposing hospital waste in residential skins on Jail Road. The sources EPD said that first we would issue Environmental Protection Orders (EPO) after which the case will send to the Environmental Tribunal. The EPD said that they had too many complaints that surgimed was disposing of its hazardous medical waste in the local garbage container. Experts say the reuse of hospital waste posses serious threat to the health of citizens besides the workers and other people affiliated with the recycling purposes. If the infected content is not disposed properly, it will causes many fatal diseases like Hepatitis and AIDS, Beside this it will also causes skin ,respiratory and eye diseases. Sources discover that private parties bring tons of infectious hospital waste from across the province in the city for recycling purposes. They bring these waste packets in sacks through trucks. Mafia is also involved in all this. A senior official of CDGL Environment department said that hazardous and waste material, earning more than Rs 15 million per day out of which the value of Lahore waste was more than Rs 5 million per day. We analyze that their waste material is causing many problems.) There should be taken some steps by the managements of hospitals to control all this. In another article the author discusses the emergency department. The facilities which are mostly provide in every emergency department of hospital. The author said the emergency departments require different equipments and approaches than most other hospital division. Patients frequently with unstable conditions and so, must be treated quickly. They may be unconscious, and information such as their medical history, allergies, and blood type may be unavailable. Emergency Department staff are trained to work quickly and effectively even with minimal information. . They may be unconscious, and information such as their medical history, allergies, and blood type may be unavailable. Emergency Department staff are trained to work quickly and effectively even with minimal information. . They may be unconscious, and information such as their medical history, allergies, and blood type may be unavailable. Emergency Department staff are trained to work quickly and effectively even with minimal information) Research Questions Primary Research Question What are the present conditions prevailed at the emergency department of services hospital Lahore? Subsidiary Research Questions Q1:- What is the emergency department? Q2:- How many doctors are available at a time in emergency department? Q3:- what is the qualification of the employees of the department i.e are they fresh graduates or senior doctors? Q4:- Where and how  are the syringes and other waste material disposed? Q5:- What is the method of sterilizing the surgical instrument? Q6:- Why do people complain about non-availability of doctors? Q7:- What facilities are being provided to the doctors? Q8:- At the time of an emergency such as a blast, how do doctors  handle the large number of casualties? Q9:- What is the quality of  the sterilization? Q10:- What is the condition of machinery and equipment in the department? Q11:- Does the dept, provide any research and teaching facility? Q12:- Why do patients mostly prefer this hospital even though  it is far from their houses? Method Sample We have taken the sample of 50 by distributing the questionnaire. Data Collection The primly source of data will be collected through questionnaire and interviews with different people having different opinions. Most of the secondary data and information is obtained from electronic sources, annual reports, news papers, articles, case studies, books, and journals. Research Tools The research tools are field study, distributing questionnaire; and then finally taking interview from the Dr.Mushtaq Khataq (DMS of Services Hospital) and the interview from the of affectee. Field study This will be general source of data collection in which the data will be represented on the basis of our personal experience in the same field. Time frame For the research we did field study on January 19, 2010; we started our work on January 22, 2010. We have taken interview on March 25, 2010 from the D.M.S of Services Hospital and from the affectee and we have also distributed the questionnaire on March 10, 2010. Date of Interviews March 25,2010 Date of dist. Of Questionnaire March 10,2010 Rough Draft March 20,2010 Final Draft April 2, 2010 Date of Submission April 12, 2010 Analysis of Data and Discussion We visited the services hospital 3 to 4 times to evaluate the condition of the emergency department. In our first survey we had observed a lot of issue. The main problem which we faced was parking. There was no empty place for parking in the hospital. People parked their car according to their on will. There was no well organized order for parking and even had no security arrangements. One can easily steal your vehicles. Other issues were: we heard that there should not be noise and crowd in the parameters of hospital, but there was too much noise and it was overcrowded. There was no place to stand for one second in emergency department of the Services Hospital. Numerous people were standing there which had nothing to do their. They were sitting their ideally and even not giving the seat to any patients. Patients problems The emergency department of the Services Hospital is double story but still it was considered an insufficient place for patients. Numerous patients were sitting in the floor. There were insufficient beds in the emergency department and also there was no place for the relatives of patients or visitors. The visitors or relatives were also sitting with the patient on the bed. Nobody was asking them that not to sit here. With every patient there was 2 or 3 person who had made the emergency department overcrowded and noisy. Doctors and nurses were not asking anything to them. Even many visitors were standing in the way of a patient which was making many difficulties for patients. We saw from our own eyes that a patient was in the bed, he was on drip in his arm. He was screaming with pain but doctors were not examining him even not his relatives. The reason of his screaming was that his mother was also sitting on bed and she was continuously shaking the bed due to which the drip stand was moving and the patient gets pain, nobody feels that. There was numerous patients which were sitting in line and waiting for their turn mean while their came one gentleman with his two security guards. The doctors left the list of patient and moved towards him to examine him first, though he did not have any big problem. He just had the minor headache. There was a medical store in the Emergency Department but there were insufficient medicines in the medical store. The person who was sitting in the medical store was giving the patients alternative medicines instead of giving them the prescribed medicines and when the patients asked him he argued with them vaguely. We went to the person who was sitting in the medical store. We asked him that why you are giving alternative medicines instead of the prescribed one. He said that those medicines also had the same effect. We asked him that we know this and it is fine if you do not have the 2 or 3 prescribed medicines but you are giving every patient alternative medicine. We asked him why the prescribed medicines are not available and who is fallible for this? He said very ambiguously no one is responsible for this. The medical store of Emergency Department needs variety of medicines. The medicines which were available were not enough. Hygiene Environment After the medical store we observed the hygiene environment in the Emergency Department of the Services Hospital. The condition of the cleanliness in the Department was satisfactory. There were 2 or 3 sweepers present in the department who cleaned the floor after an hour. Patients were throwing trash in the dustbins, but still there was a stingy smell in the Emergency Department and also wrappers were lying in the floor. The sweepers were using a kind of acid (final) to clean the floor and the microscopic germs but it had a very strong smell, which caused headache. The condition of some patients was becoming critical due to the smell of that acid. The doctors and other was throwing the used syringes and other disposed material into the dustbin which was collected by the sweeper after some time and there was a room where the sweepers throw the disposed material and outside of that room. There was written Dispose Room. The dispose room was locked. The management told us that this dispo sed material is very useful after process of purification it uses for several purposes. In the news paper it was written that the government had sent notice to many hospital in which services hospital was also cleared that their method of disposed material was not right. It is dangerous for the residential areas and for the other people. Patients problems On our second survey, we went to the patients and general public to know their problems and issues. Numerous people had many problems with doctors and nurses and some were completely satisfied with the current situation of Emergency Department and also from the doctors and staff. People said that commonly doctors did not come on time and also did not examine them with complete satisfaction. Patients also told that sometime doctors did not tell them the actual disease. Patients said that doctors are also running their personal clinic due to which they mostly came late or suggest them to come to their personal clinic. People said that the doctors are earnings good revenue from their personal clinics. They also said that doctors did not take interest in them that means sometime do not become satisfied with the doctors. After the discussion with patients about the doctors we started to discuss with people about the staff. 30% of people said that the staff does not take the good care of t he patient. They do not listen anybody an also discern between the people. They pleased the well known and rich people and often ignore the middle class or poor people. Numerous people said that they did not have any sense that how to talk with the patients and the visitors. Patients said that the staff do what they want to do. It totally depend on them that what they want to do. They do not listen to anybody and sometime they quarreled with other staff during their duty times which create disturbance for the other patients. Some people point out that the character of the staff is not good. One patient told us that he caught one nurse who had stolen his mobile. Some patients had no issue with the staff. They were satisfied with the behavior of the staff. They said that the staff is caring, but 80% protest against the staff and doctors behavior. When we came out from the Emergency Department we have seen that there is just one ambulance standing outside the emergency. When we asked about it to the management they replied that the ambulances are standing in front of different departments. Then we asked from the management how many ambulances are available at a time in the hospital. They told us that there are 8 ambulances present every time, and they also told us the process that how ambulances reach to the given addressed. They select person who can drive fast but not rough and who also know the all way of the city. We asked if by chance no ambulance is present or if you need more ambulances then what you do? They told us if we need more ambulances then we asked for it to others departments and if no ambulance is present at a time then we have the record and numbers of all the drivers. We just call them and said them to reach in the addressed immediately. After our second and third surveys we went in the parameters to fill the questionnaires. The sample size of the questionnaire was 40.The questionnaire was distributed among the general public and patients in the Emergency Department in of the Services Hospital. On that survey we again find to talk with the different peoples. We all divided the questionnaire among over selves and float it among people. We first filled questionnaire from the student of that Hospital (SIMS). They were girl students. She prefers the private hospital because she said that there were more facilities and good hygiene environment. She said that in the condition of emergency she will prefer to come to Services Hospital because she is student of this Hospital and she know the staff and get good care and discount here. Then we filled our questionnaire from the nurse she said that salary of staff should be increased so that the staff can work with more diligence. She also said that there should be more arrangements for cleanliness and management Numerous people told us that we came here because it is cheaper than other hospital. We discuss all these problems with the doctors. Doctors said us that though we are running the personal clinic but we checked the patients of here with our complete satisfaction. we also filled our questionnaire fr om the doctor and the doctor also prefer the private hospital and said that the private hospitals had better facilities and take good care of the patients, he also accept that the government hospitals are not in better conditions. 95% people told us that there is too much corruption. You need high reference or any other kind of source to meet the doctors. We also use the resource and reference to meet the Principle of the hospital. We face too many problems to take the interview from the authority. Nobody was ready to give us interview. They thought that we were also the member of press then after a lot of struggle they just give us the permission to take the interview of DMS and make the movie of emergency department in a condition. Ahsan Akram conducted the interview. The expression of DMS was very offensive. He just wanted to get rid of this. Ahsan asked many questions from him. He answered in vey good attitude. He told us that us that the number of doctors presents depend on the quantity of patients. Sometime patients are large in amount and sometime there are fewer amounts of patients. He also told us that in the time of emergency we made the Emergency Department large, we discharge patients who had recover maximum, shifts the other patients in to the ward and we bring the more beds and call the more doctors. He also told us that there is a separate department where the whole surgical instruments were sent for sterilization. Facilities A satisfactory number of facilities are providing to the patients, doctors, nurses and the relatives of the patients. Some of them are listed below There is an outside counter present from where a patient has to receive his/her file. This file maintains record of the patient. Every patient has to buy his/her file in Rupees 10 only. There is a guard and a ward boy present at the gate of the each emergency. There is nursing counter from where patients can get information. Nurse is always present on the table. If a patient or relative of the patient have any query then he/she might talk to the nurse from the nursing counter. There is a special monitoring room present where every one cannot enter with shoes and patients relatives are also not allowed in special monitoring room. Monitoring room is the room where patients can be checked with full care and attention. Monitoring room is like a small operation Theater. There are 20 beds available for men and 11 beds are available only for women. Total capacity of beds 20+11=31. There are three counters of nurses from where patients or the relative of patient can get information. Emergency department is fully air condition. Patients do not feel uncomfortable during treatment. There are two separate waiting rooms for the relatives of the patients in the surgical emergency of the hospital. 9 persons can sit in one waiting room and 24 people can sit in the second waiting room. There is an X-Ray room present in the surgical Emergency. So patient can X-Ray themselves immediately. There is an Ultrasound room present in the surgical emergency only for surgical emergency patients. This facility is very good facility for patients because they do not have to travel from one place to another. They immediately get their medicines, X-ray, ultrasound in the emergency. Pharmacy is also present in the surgical emergency. There is a changing room. Small Operation Theater is also present in the emergency. 3 ward boys, 5 nurses, 6 post graduate students and 4 house officers are present in the surgical emergency all the time. There is blood bank present in the surgical emergency. Patient can take blood from the blood bank. If a patient is bleeding due to accident on the road and he needs a bottle of blood then he can take blood from the blood bank. There is a nursing head office. Head is always present in the room. There is a gents and ladies toilet present in the surgical emergency of the services hospital but they are not separate from each other. There is a prayer area in which 4 people can Offer their Pray at one time. There is a children emergency ward present in the medical emergency. 24 beds are present in the children emergency room. There are 27 beds present for men and 28 beds are present in the women area. There is a guard and a ward boy present at the gate of the each emergency. There are two separate wash rooms are available in the medical emergency of the services hospital. There is a Parmonology ward present in the medical emergency of the services hospital. There are security cameras present everywhere in the medical emergency of the hospital and TV`s are present in the DMS of the Medical Emergency DMS is always watching that what is happening everywhere Problems There is infinite number of problems present in the emergency. Some of them are given below. There are 20 beds present for men and 11 beds for women only. The number of beds is too small. They should increase the number of beds in the surgical emergency. Patents have to wait for the empty bed. Mostly 2 patents are present on the single bed. In a critical situation (such as bomb blast in the city) 100-150 injured person came to the emergency but the staff and doctors cannot handle that injured people. Administration of the hospital should take steps to increase the number of doctors and nurses. There are men and women toilet present in the surgical emergency but they are not separated from each other. They should be separated from each other because women need a separate washroom. They feel shy to enter in men`s washroom. Head should take action and make 2 toilets for men and two toilets for women separately. In the medical emergency there are two separated toilets but. There is a leakage of water from the upper roof in the washroom. There is one wash room which has no lock. Washrooms are in very bad situation. Washrooms are in very poor condition. No exhaust fans are present to clean the atmosphere. Administration should take notice and give new sinks to the women`s toilet and put at least 2 to 3 exhaust fans in the toilet so the cleanliness of the washroom. Cat is wondering in the medical emergency. No one was there to take off that cat. Animals are free to move in the emergency. Head should heir a person who can control all this problems. Corruption Corruption is present everywhere in our country. It is very difficult to handle corruption. Everyone wants black money. There is too much attraction in black money. Sometimes very responsible and honest person wants black money. It is in human nature. Man wants more, more and more money. Corrupted people do not care that it is HALAAL or HARAAM money. It is very difficult to control corruption but our leaders and heads can control this bad habit. (((Corruption is primarily of two types, Need Based Corruption (NBC) and the Greed Based Corruption (GBC). Both are found in the public as well as private sectors. NBC takes its birth in the lower echelons of the bureaucracy or in poor people who are not paid enough to fulfill their needs and on the top of it also not provided with the subsidized amenities and facilities by the government. Imagine the plight of one such functionary whose child is seriously ill and he has no money even to buy him the medicine! He would do anything to save the life of his child, let alone corruption. I am not trying to justify the NBC, but it needs to be seriously looked into. To control NBC government should increase the salary of poor people and try to give subsidies to them. According to Corruption rate of Pakistan is 2.1. When our researcher team visited the emergency department, patients said us that there is too much corruption present in the emergency of Services hospital. Patients have to give money to the staff to get bed in the Emergency. They have to give money to staff to get the bottles of blood. They have to give money to the nurses to get quick response from them. They have to give money to get medicines. There is too much corruption present in the hospital. Administration should increase the salary of nurses and ward boys. They should give facilities so that ward boy s and nurses leave to earn black money from patients. They want black money because they do not get their salary on time. The amount (price) is increasing of goods day by day. Workers cannot afford to buy anything in a limited amount of salary. Controller of the hospital should increase the salary to control the corruption. When they ask for money from the patient then patient cannot do anything expects giving them money becau se on that time patient is in very bad condition and needs help. In my opinion corruption is of two types. First one is NBC and the second one is covetousness. We have to control all of them by taking strong steps. Services Hospital should hair at least 3 to 4 people who do nothing but they must see what is happening very where. They should control the emergency department. They can control the corruption. If the administrations of the services hospital do nothing to control the corruption then it will increase daily. No doubt corruption is increasing daily but if we do not control now then it will be very dangerous for us. It is our duty to control corruption in the hospital level. If we do not control the corruption in the hospital yet, then what will we say to our new generation? It is our country our hospital we have to control all this. Controller of the emergency should control all this and they can control by haring the team of responsible persons. Security Pakistanis are known as terrorist now-a-days due to some groups or parties who played negative role in a society and made bomb blasts in every look and corner of the city. Lahore is in very critical situation. In 2007, 1,503 terrorist attacks and clashes, including all the suicide attacks, target killings and assassinations, resulted in 3,448 casualties and 5,353 injuries, according to the PIPS security report. These casualties figure 128 percent and 491.7 percent higher as compared with 2006 and 2005, respectively. The report states that Pakistan faced 60 suicide attacks during 2007, which killed at least 770, besides injuring another 1,574 people. In 2008, the country saw 2,148 terrorist attacks, which caused 2,267 fatalities and 4,558 injuries. Human Right Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) in its annual report indicated that there were at least 67 suicide attacks across Pakistan killing 973 people and injuring 2,318. 2009, the worst of any year, 2,586 terrorist, insurgent and sectaria n-related incidents were reported that killed 3,021 people and injured 7,334, according to the Pakistan Security Report 2009 published by PIPS. These casualties figure 48 percent higher as compared to 2008. On the other hand, the rate of suicide attacks surged by one third to 87 bombings that killed 1,300 people and injured 3,600. There is a small list of bomb blasts occurred in Lahore Pakistan from past 3 years shown below. This list is too small and short. 2010 No. Date Place Killed Injured 1 March 08 Model Town / Lahore 15 80 2 March 12 RA Bazaar / Lahore 57 90 TOTAL   72 170 *Data till March 15, 2010 2009 Sl. No. Date Place Killed Injured 1 May 27 CCPO-ISI offices / Lahore 27 326 2 November 2 Lahore 1 25 3 December 7 Moon Market / Lahore 45 100 TOTAL   73 451 2008 Sl. No. Date Place Killed Injured 1 January 10 Lahore High Court 24 80 2 March 4 Pakistan Navy War College / Lahore 8 24 3 March 11 FIA regional headquarters / Lahore 30 200 4 August 13 Dubai Chowk / Lahore 9 35 TOTAL   71 339 There is only security guard present at the gate of emergency of the services hospital Lahore Pakistan. They have no security cameras on the gate. They have no security gates and security alarms. They have no instruments to check the person. There is no security guard present on the main gate of the services hospital Lahore Pakistan. Anyone can enter and can freely move in the hospital. Any terrorist can enter in the hospital and do anything what he wants to do. Controller of the hospital should take steps to avoid this. They have to hair security guards who will check every person entering in the hospital. They should fix security cameras everywhere. No doubt it is a government hospital. There is a lack of money but if the authority does not do something for security then it will prove very dangerous for us and for all citizens. Our leaders use 40 % of security. They cannot move in the city without having security with them. No doubt their lives are very important but they should pr ovide some security to the hospital. When our researcher team entered in the services hospital, we observed many things. Few of them are listed below. There was no parking at that place. Streets were poor in condition. Patients were sitting on the road of the hospital. Some of them are sitting on the stairs of the hospital. Cats are wondering on the roads of the hospital. There were countless people present in the emergency of the hospital. Space of e

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Evaluating Automobile Fuel Essay

The alternatives to liquid fuels are compressed gases and electric power, however, both are viewed as inferior by the automotive industry. The gases are inferior in terms of energy content per unit volume. Electric power may be stored on board a vehicle in a battery or (for a short time) in capacitors. However, batteries are regarded within the automotive industry as substandard compared to liquid fuels in terms of energy stored by unit weight and volume. Furthermore their cost is high, and the manufacture of some battery types involves large quantities of scarce or environmentally-threatening materials including cadmium, lead, lithium, nickel, sodium, sulphur and zinc. According to the already mentioned just-auto report entitled The future of road vehicle fuels – forecasts to 2020 (January 2008), the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook 2007 found that around 230m barrels of oil equivalent are required to meet global demand each day. Of this total, liquids account for the largest share of the 230m barrels (37%) followed by coal (23%) and natural gas (21%), leaving a 19% contribution from nuclear and sustainable sources. Of the liquids, however, transport use accounts for more than half (51%), with the remainder going to industry (32%), residential and commercial (11%) and power generation (6%). The residential and commercial share is mainly accounted for by oil-fired central heating, and the small power generation share by gas turbines running to meet peak loads. It follows that the transport sector share of the world energy market is just over half of 37%, in other words some 19% or just under one-fifth of the total. It should also be borne in mind that the transport sector is itself divided into light-duty vehicles (privately-owned passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles), heavy-duty vehicles, and other transport applications (aircraft, ships and diesel railway engines). The light-duty and heavy-duty sub-sectors take about 40% each, and the other applications some 20%. The search for improved efficiency in the transport sector must therefore embrace both light-duty and heavy-duty road vehicles.

PR Plan for M&S Clothing

Introduction In recent years, Marks & Spencer’s clothing sales have experienced a period of decline and have been involved in a large amount of discounting which has a negative impact on the profit margins within the department. The purpose of this PR plan is to consider an appropriate marketing and PR strategy that would lead to the turnaround of this ailing department. Aims and Objectives The primary aim of this PR and marketing agenda is essentially to reinvent the positioning of the M&S clothing division, so that it is not forced into having to discount and is therefore able to maintain stronger profit margins. Historically, Marks & Spencer’s has maintained a strong reputation for providing quality basics, without necessarily being at the cutting edge of fashion, with the establishment of additional ranges, aiming to have the impact of turning this perception around. Yet, the increased use of disposable fashion from the likes of Primark has put increasing pressure on companies such as Marks & Spencer when it comes to retaining their market share (MacDonald, 2011). Despite this, the marketing campaign, â€Å"Leading Ladies†, has shown a slight turnaround of fortunes, indicating that a concerted effort within the PR and marketing area could indeed have a dramatic effect on this ailing area within M&S (Marks and Spencer, 2014). Audience The audience is potentially one of the hardest things to identify, in terms of this overall PR plan, as Marks & Spencer’s clothing covers such a potentially wider audience. It is suggested in this case, however, that by focusing on ladies wear, the overall agenda for the clothing department can be considered and looked at in the long run (Hackley, 2009). The target audience for this plan therefore is to focus on the fashion conscious, yet affluent 20 – 40 year old category. Attempting to compete with the prices of disposable fashion outlets is simply impractical; therefore, the focus needs to be on the high income a professional, fashionable women who also want their clothes to be excellent quality and durability. Message Linked to the chosen audience is the message that M&S clothing products are providing quality, durable essentials that offer a sophisticated and professional look, with a touch of fashion that is not a disposable, cheap fashion product. One of the key problems which have been identified within the M&S clothing range in recent years is that the cost of the product has simply not warranted the quality of fashion being provided, and the balance between quality and cost needs to be redressed (Parrish, 2010). Maintaining a strong quality is important. Yet, it is necessary for the fashionable element of the product to be brought to the forefront of this message, and this needs to be delivered clearly to the young, affluent audience. In order to achieve this M&S is going to focus on the younger audience by engaging with young workers and students. Offering discounts and selecting the relevant media publications that aim at these people will be a crucial part of delivering this message. Communication Strategies Bearing in mind the message and the target audience in question, the choice of communication strategy will be particularly important when it comes to successfully providing this shift in emphasis and new marketing strategy. Given the chosen audience, the communication strategies also need to be aimed at a younger audience, using factors such as the internet and e-mail marketing, in order to portray a younger, more cutting-edge image. Establishing affiliations with third parties and appropriate magazines will also be important for encouraging potential consumers to view Marks & Spencer clothing in a slightly different light. Events such as fashion shows and launches of product ranges in locations that are going to be targeting this new audience. Working with Universities and popular work areas in central towns will assist in this matter. Celebrity endorsement is also potentially going to assist in shifting the perceptions of Marks & Spencer away from products which are slightly old and staid. By partnering with the appropriate celebrities and also appropriate events, the general perception of the company can be changed, over time, and this needs to be a relatively mid-term agenda for M&S. Resource and Budget The overall size of M&S and the ability to draw on financial resources from other departments such as the food and home department provides evidence of real opportunities in regard to spending a large amount on this revised PR and marketing approach that would be impossible for other organisations without the backing of these departments. In order to completely reinvent the perception around an organisation the size of M&S will require a consistent and large resource, over a relatively prolonged period of time. In addition, however, it is proposed that a six-month time horizon be looked at, with the majority of the focus being placed on shifting the emphasis and eventually reinventing the product range. It is therefore suggested that a team of four marketing professionals should be given the agenda of achieving this plan as part of a specific six-month project (Hallbauer, 2008). Initially, it is proposed that a budget of ?260,000 will be provided on the basis of ?40,000 per month to cover the advertising in key locations and in order to ensure that the manpower is available in every store across the country. It is also recognised that having a strong celebrity endorsement may be very beneficial, the budget may need to be adjusted to reflect this. Evaluation Methods By looking at the current difficulties being faced by the M&S clothing range, it can be seen that it is largely attached to the perception of individuals and the demands of the potential target audience. With this in mind, evaluating the marketing and PR agenda will not only involve looking at quantitative figures such as the change in sales, but more crucially at the changing perceptions of customers and potential customers. Also for this reason, at least initially, the necessary way to evaluate the PR agenda will be to undertake an analysis of customer perceptions and satisfaction of products. After the initial six-month period, it is anticipated that there will be shifting sales figures and therefore the evaluation methods used would need to alter to take this into account. It is, however, recognised that this marketing agenda will not completely change the fortunes of the company in a matter of weeks and evaluation methods need to be reflective of this gradual shift, if the agend a is not to be deemed a failure, at a fairly early stage (Newman & Cullen, 2002). References Hackley, C, (2009) Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Approach, SAGE Publications Hallbauer, S, (2008) Retail Marketing and New Retail Idea – Marks and Spencer, GRIN Verlag MacDonald, G, (2011) For M&S’s Bolland, Success is in the Detail, Retail Week, Available at: Marks and Spencer (2014) Available at: Newman, A & Cullen, P, (2002) Retailing: Environment & Operations, Cengage Learning Parrish, E. (2010) Retailers’ use of niche marketing in product development. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 546-561

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Struggle of Assata Shakur

Asset Shaker is a very strong and determined individual that refused to give up her beliefs and ideas to receive her freedom. When she was incarcerated, treated like an animal, beaten to a bloody pulp and lost all basic human rights, she only grew more stronger and determined. Shaker was a political prisoner and suffered because of her Black Panther & Black Liberation Army affiliation. She spent six years in prison for crimes that she was not proven to have done or had any connection to.Most people would have given up and â€Å"sold out† to get their freedom back, she didn't because she simply took it back! Shaker's life changed dramatically on the night of May 2, 1973 on the New Jersey Turnpike when Caddy Mali Shaker, Sundials Coli and her car was stopped because â€Å"of a taillight. † After an altercation between Caddy Shaker and Trooper Harper, shots were fired which left Trooper Forester and Caddy Shaker dead, Asset Shaker and Trooper Harper wounded. Shaker's autob iography does a great Job detailing the event. Shaker described the experience saying â€Å"Caddy was dead.My mind knew that Caddy was dead. The air was like cold glass. Huge bubbles rose and burst. Each one felt like an explosion in my chest. My mouth tasted like blood and dirt. The car spun around me and something like sleep overtook me. In the background I could hear what sounded like gunfire. But I was fading and dreaming. † (Asset 3) She was beaten very badly during the ordeal. The officer's were very brutal towards her because they knew she was involved in the Black Panther Party and wanted information out of her. â€Å"Where did they go?†¦Pitch you'd better open your goddamn mouth or I'll blow your goddamn head off† (Asset 3) was how these officers talked to her. She doesn't say a word. This is another example of her showing her resilience in an adverse time. She was in tremendous amount of pain. Shaker said â€Å"l felt myself being dragged by the feet ac ross the pavement. My chest was on fire. My blouse was purple with blood. I was convinced that my arm had been shot off and was hanging inside my shirt by a few strips of flesh. I could not feel it. † (Asset 3) Eventually the ambulance came and got Shaker.She tried to speak but only bubbled at the mouth. She blacked out during the ride to the hospital. She gets to the hospital where she is interrogated by every person that is around her. The police felt that her capture could lead to the capture of many other African American political leaders if she cooperated with authorities. If these leaders were captured, that would be a serious blow to the movement. Asset sat handcuffed to a bed as detective after detective asked questions about the Black Liberation Army. She said â€Å"Detectives and more detectives. Questions and more Questions†¦Now they want to know about the Black Liberation Army: how big is it; what cities is it in;who is in it, etc. ,etc. † (Asset 8) If Shaker talked, that may have lead to the end of the BLAB or Black Panther Party because the FBI and CONTINENTS was desperate for the end of these groups. The purpose of CONTINENTS (Counter Intelligence Program) was to infiltrate, discredit and disrupt any domestic political organization (such as BLAB or the Black Panther Party). It was lead by the FBI and played a critical role during this time period. The information that Shaker could have given the FBI could have lead to the destruction of these organizations.But Shaker remained uncooperative throughout her stay in the hospital and even during her indictment. She did not say anything bout her party or its members, nor the activities of the groups. Her time in the hospital became better as her body healed and the abuse from the officers stopped. A short time later Shaker was transported from the hospital to Middlesex County jail. â€Å"It seemed like the middle of the night†¦ A wheelchair was waiting for me. I figured they w ere taking me to Jail† said Shaker describing the experience. (Asset 45) Shaker's status as a political activist would affect her greatly in prison.The federal authorities wanted Shaker isolated from all the other prisoners because they did not ant her to spread her â€Å"radical† ideas to any of the other prisoners which could possibly result in a revolt. Her cell was isolated from all the other prisoners and was patrolled by guards at all times. In prison, Shaker was subjected to the nihilistic ideas that she encountered on the outside. During this time blacks were treated as lower class citizens. Society wanted to keep African Americans in the same ghettos and isolate us from the nicer neighborhoods (domestic colonialism).They did this by racial profiling (Asset Shaker's arrest on the turnpike), police highly populating certain areas and raising ricers to live in certain areas. These methods create a sense of self-worthlessness inside of a person which often lead to crime. This trend often leads to African Americans being arrested and incarcerated. Once in prison, the system has now taken the little power that the person once had (the right to vote, speak etc. ) The prisoner now becomes more like property, which is Just like slavery in a sense because prisoners perform labor for â€Å"free†. Shaker and her party took a different approach to the nihilistic feeling.They wanted to fight the oppressor and take what they deserved. This is why the BLAB and Black Panther Party was so feared by the government. Government knew that these groups carried an â€Å"any means necessary mentality which meant that they would use violence if needed. Conservatism was the belief that many government officials believed during this time period. They did not want the the social or political structure of society to change. This is where the conflict occur. African Americans were not receiving equal treatment which means that if society were to remain the same African Americans would always be second-rate citizens.Black people shared a liberal view in the sense hat liberty and equality for all. The liberal view was the driving force behind every African American group or movement for equality/ civil rights. Shaker would remain in prison for six years bouncing from correctional facility to correctional facility as authorities tried to make it as inconvenient as possible for her and her loved ones. She was eventually able to escape from prison and currently lives in Cuba in isolation, but many political prisoners like her are unable to escape. Often these people remain in prison for very long periods of times because of their beliefs.Shaker would have been the same way but she was fortunate enough to escape. These people have great pride and integrity because they are willing to withstand any abuse or consequence they might receive for doing what they believe is right. Shaker is one of those special people and her story shows it. Shaker's story Asset documented her life and experiences very accurately and allowed for the reader to relate to her experiences. I was able to view her as an overall person and not Just an political leader. Her childhood stories in certain chapters showed her more as a normal, everyday person.While her stories of her arrest or stay in prison show how strong of a woman she really was. Shaker was a truly extraordinary person. Many people would have crumbled under the circumstances she endured. She fought social injustices, cultural struggles and economic forces. Her upbringing was a pure example of the life of most people. Blacks were compressed in certain communities where crime and drugs were often used as temporary outlets to a better world, but Shaker chose a different path. She chose to be an leader in the community and fight for civil rights.She did not settle for Ewing the victim, she played the cards she were dealt and tried the best she could. The ironic part about everything is the same problems that she encountered back then, exist today. The Tramway Martin case shows how race has not changed much in this country. White Society viewed this small woman Asset Shaker like a huge criminal, Just like society wants to paint the picture that an unarmed Bibb black male could harm an armed white man. Shaker legacy and deeds did help African Americans, but the Tramway Martin case (along with countless others) make you ask â€Å"how much? â€Å".

Kentucky Fried Chicken Essay

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is a franchising fast food brand that was founded by Harland Sanders in 1956 and bases its core business in a secret seasoning mix of eleven herbs and spices recipe to fry chicken. The KFC through the last decades became one of the most famous fast food brands in the world with subsidiaries and franchising in different region of the world. One of the purposes of KFC is to stabilize and strengthen its presence in the North Asia, with particular attention to Japan. In this country KFC is already present with more than 400 stores between Company and Franchise. Analyzing the situation through the Porter’s 5 forces we can consider the competitiveness of the market: high competitive to enter and to be into the market for the presence in it of strong multinational competitors such as McDonalds that introduce different kind of substitute product, but no one like the KFC secret recipe. All this competitors create high barrier and push away the possibility o f new entries in game: it costs too much to try to enter both in terms of cash then in efforts. On the other hand raw materials are easily recoverable and KFC can switch from one supplier to the other without any problem, totally different for the customers that have a wide choice of products of similar category. Through the 5 forces analysis it is possible to say that competitiveness of the market is medium/high level. In order to identify and to evaluate KFC strengths and weaknesses we are going to analyze KFC strengths and weaknesses and how are them related with possible opportunities and threats. Main important aspects of this brand are the uniqueness of the fry chicken recipe (so the product) and the strong franchising net they had that make KFC a well know brand but on the other hand this strength hide weakness inside because create a low differentiation of product in portfolio with low level of chance to create innovative product. More than that they are selling junk food that is in contrast with the past few years healthy trend but it creates a big opportunity to creat e a new healthy chicken recipe. The KFC entered in Japan with a partner that created a link between them and the local culture and trends: culture that start to change little by little under the pressure of the youngest that look at U.S.A. as a model to imitate and replicate, but it also create contrast between local and U.S.A. HQ that  brought a lack in the control of the system due to a poor short term strategy and a lack in the franchising net development in the Asia district. This elements reflect in negative way on demand that is really sensible to price and quality. There are a few possible strategies that KFC can do in order to fix its problems and re-lunch the brand not just in Japan but also in those markets where KFC is not present yet: First Strategy can be characterized by a high ratio of standardization of the protocol and the procedures to acquire a strong routine: enter in a KFC store in Dubai has to be equal to enter in one in Japan or in USA. This can bring to develop and empowering a strong econ omy of scope. The main product lines have to be the same for each store in the world. As expansion strategy KFC has to look for the growing country with the higher Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), following step by step the development of the brand in that area with a rigid control system. Periodical report has to be sent to the central HQ in order to see the trend of the market and take the decision of invest more or disinvest according to the data. The control has to be done at regional level that has also the duty to indicate and identify new potential profitable market. Locally every store have to follow routine and habits of the brand with the chance to made up few new product in order to get closer to the local habits and needs. Stores, also, have to report periodically their trend for a strict control of the KFC standard. A Second Strategy can be developed with the decentralization of the â€Å"power† by the KFC in order to create several regional HQ completely autonomous from the U.S.A. Company that has just the power to take the decision to invest or not in a new potential market or country. The target should be a growing country with higher CAGR and KFC has to finance, give the first input to enter in the new market, and then create a regional HQ and leave all the issue to it. The regional HQ in case of negative trend can be evaluated in order to take the decision if produce more effort and try to save that market with new investment or disinvest and close that branch. As we said the regional HQ are total independent and it is their duty to identify regional behavior and local habits in order to â€Å"manipulate† the product, merchandising, advertising of the brand to suit regional population needs increasing awareness and willingness to purchase. At regional level it is also important to evaluate constantly the trend and the performance of local  product in order to take quick decision and continue investing or close the product line (same for subsidiary and franchising store). Locally stores have to report periodically their trend to the regional HQ for evaluation, they have to ensure minimum standard revenue level, positive feedback from client, and follow the procedures. Every store have to be closer and closer to customer needs and habit, clients have to have the feeling to be at home when they are in a KFC store. In the Third Strategy KFC has to set up the main rules and protocols that have to be followed. With a strong standardization of the main core product create a large economy of scope, but it has to let free the regional and local organization to decide autonomously for size and quantity of product sold in order to follow local needs. The KFC administration has to export the brand aiming to the developing countr y as new potential market with a strong financial investment plan in market research (to know and understand local needs and habits), advertising (to increase awareness) and joint venture with local partnership. Periodically it has to review the performance of the markets in which it is present. In case of a negative profile, analyze the causes and, in the absence of advantageous solutions, not be reluctant to disinvest in that particular market. The regional administration has to be the link between the central HQ and every single store. It has to control and report periodically the right application of the procedures, quality standard, routine and the correct application of rules and protocol. It also has the issue to make research on population area behavior, attitude and habit in order to discover the lever that can improve the brand in that particular region in terms of awareness, willingness to purchase, and customers satisfaction: the aim is to discover a product that can both fulfill the taste and the desire of population and, at the same time, be in line with the company policy. Not less important task at regional level is to discover, identify and evaluate potential new market areas where the company can invest. Locally stores have to follow rules and protocols settled by the Central HQ and periodically report the operation trends to regional level. Local stores have to help to study in deep population needs and report the result to regional level. Not less important is that stores have to guarantee minimum standard revenues The 3rd strategy is the one I choose because it allows a control by the central HQ that standardize routine and  protocols, but also it let local adjustments to meet population needs and habit. At the same time it aims to a strong expansion plan in developing market and try to cut out waste closing the not profitable market. Moreover it builds a strong cooperation between the three levels both in market research and in brand development.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Nathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown - 950 Words

Young Goodman Brown Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† is an attention grabber that leaves you with an ambiguous finale. Goodman Brown, the protagonist, struggles with doubts in his life that takes him on an adventure in the forest. As he travels through the forest Goodman’s excessive curiosity leaves him with a different perspective on life. Hawthorne leaves many clues in the story that symbolizes faith and evilness in the characters. The story takes place in Massachusetts, a Puritan village named Salem, during the end of the seventeenth century. This was a time during which the Salem Witch Trials took place, and the author cleverly introduces to the audience Deacon Gookin, Goody Cloyse, and Martha Carrier whom were actual residents that were charged with witchcraft. Goodman Brown, a faithful man, prepares to leave at dusk, but is tarried by his wife Faith. She is wearing two pink ribbons and is feeling unsettled about his departure. She is troubled by her thoughts and dreams when she is alone. Goodman tells her, â€Å"Say thy prayers, dear Faith, and go to bed at dusk, and no harm will come to thee† (168). As the two part ways Goodman feels remorseful for leaving his wife to explore his curiosity of evil, but also justified for his faith can not be weakened. As Goodman enters the forest Hawthorne describes it as a very forlorn dark place, and Goodman fears encountering an evil Indian or devil. He soon encounters an older man who seems to have beenShow MoreRelatedNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1543 Words   |  7 PagesIn Nathaniel Hawthorne s short story of Young Goodman Brown, the author uses symbolism and allegories in order to showcase the Puritan faith as well as man s conflict between good and evil. This analysis will break down the techniques that the author uses to critique the puritan society and to show the difference between how people appear to be in society and the true colors that they are hidden inside of them. There has been a lot of great authors in our time, but none more interesting thanRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1065 Words   |  5 PagesWhen it comes to the topic of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown, most of us will readily agree that duplicity is a major theme in the piece, or the idea of different versions of reality. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether Hawthorne is implying that man is inherently evil. Whereas some are convinced that Young Goodman Brown was good until tainted by the Devil, others maintain that he was evil from the beginning and was completely aware of the evil heRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown905 Words   |  4 PagesThough Nathaniel Hawthorne is an author of many great works, his short story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† still stays relevant because it has themes and subjects that are relatable in today s world. In the story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† Good man Brown leaves his wife Faith, to go into the woods near Salem to have a meeting with the devil. Appearance vs. reality is shown in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† through the plot, the character of Goody Cloyse, and the symbol of the maple staff. The characterRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1312 Words   |  6 PagesWithin Nathaniel Hawthorne s short story Young Goodman Brown (p.317), Young Goodman Brown travels through a dark and mysterious forest late at night. Ignoring the pleas of his pure wife Faith, he ventures deep into the woods with many dangers around him, only to emerge in the morning a changed man with bewildered views on his own Puritan life and the Puritan community around him. At the cause for this change in mindset, the dream of an old man symbolizing the devil appears, showing him the communityRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown Essay1274 Words   |  6 PagesIn Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† the devil says, â€Å"Evil is the nature of mankind† (â€Å"Young† 627). Since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and attempted to hide conceal their sin from God, humans have tried to hide their sin from others. Although ever yone sin is human nature, everyone has a different reaction to sin. While some acknowledge sin, others ignore it. In Hawthorne’s other short story, â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil,† Father Hooper wears a black veil to represent the sin heRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown Essay1449 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† is a short story that is filled with symbols and mystery. Nathaniel Hawthorne provides plenty forms of symbolism for readers to digest. Hawthorne displays strong faith as the greatest virtue for a man or woman, and when the faith is compromised, one can be filled with skepticism and uncertainty towards the rest of the world. The story begins as a conventional allegory, creating the expectation that the characters will be able to consistently display the abstractions they symbolizeRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1695 Words   |  7 Pagesstory, Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne is set in Puritan New England. Hawthorne uses symbolism, description, scenery, and Goodman’s journey to illustrate and symbolize the battle of good versus evil. In the first scene, we see how Young Goodman Brown leaves his wife, Faith, to start on his â€Å"evil† journey through the woods. Though Faith asks him to stay with her, he chooses to continue on even though he knows the evilness lies ahead. As the story continues, we see how Hawthorne uses FaithRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1492 Words   |  6 PagesIn Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story of Young Goodman Brown, the author uses symbolism and allegories in order to showcase the Puritan faith as well as man’s conflict between good and evil. This analysis will breakdown the techniques that the author uses to critique the puritan society, and to show the difference between how people appear to be in society and the true colors that they are hidden inside of them. There has been a lot of great authors in our time, but none more interesting than NathanielRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown2532 Words   |  11 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne’s short story, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† demonstrates how Goodman Brown leaves his wife, Faith, to do an errand within the woods with a man that is believed to be the devil. During the time period in which this took place, the 1620’s, many of the people from the village were practicing Puritanism. Puritanism is an intense practice of religion retrieved from Protestants, only removing its Catholic influence. When Goodman Brown entered the woods to meet the devil, he soon turned intoRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown894 Words   |  4 Pagesread. In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, I found several romanticism characteristics to be in this story. One being, the emphasis on feelings and emotions. Nathaniel Hawthorne writes, â€Å"The cry of grief, rage, and terror was yet piercing through the night, when the unhappy husband held his breath for a response.† The cry of anguish and pain are very applicable to the protagonist idea in this story. Brown also expresses feeling when he doesn t want to leave his wife Faith, but he feels that it s his role to

Weaning A Critical Element - 1791 Words

Weaning Weaning is a critical element in the care of intubated patients that deals with the entire technique of liberating the patient from mechanical ventilatory support as well as from the endotracheal tube. It is the transition of ventilatory support to spontaneous breathing (30). Although it can be achieved easily in many patients, it may prove to be difficult in up to 25% of critically ill patients who have been on ventilation for a prolonged period of time (31–33). Shorter the time in MV, lesser would be the complications associated with it by as much as 50%, with decrease in number of re-intubation as well (34). Study by Esteban et al. suggested that mortality rate is related to increased duration of mechanical ventilation wherein weaning period accounted for 40% of the ventilatory time (2). Similarly study by Coplin further shows the relevance of timely extubation by relating the delayed extubation with increased mortality rate of 27% against the rate of 12% in timely ex tubated patients (3). Although some researchers assessed that around 80% of intubated patients could discontinue ventilatory support in a matter of hours (2,9,35), weaning could be complicated by abnormal lung function or the presence of underlying disease (35). Other issues such as critical illness, neuromyopathy, prolonged use of sedatives, overloading or underloading of respiratory muscles and physician’s hesitancy to identify weaning and extubation readiness may also delay the weaningShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Uk Weaning Guidelines And The Sources Of Weaning Advice Used By Uk First Time Mothers1637 Words   |  7 PagesIn another mixed method study to explore the knowledge of the UK weaning guidelines and the sources of weaning advice used by UK first-time mothers (Moore et al, 2012), findings were quite similar to the first study. The use of elements from both quantitative and qualitative research approaches have been found to contribute positively to the research process (Johnson et al. 200 7). 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Le Claire Essay2212 Words   |  9 Pagesitself is a complex topic with multiple definitions ranging from the organic to the mechanical, the natural to the manufactured. In a world composed of different groups, we see many variations of culture. Cultural universals are traits, patterns, and elements that transcend specific groups and can be applied to all known cultures (Macionis 2014). This idea implies that mankind and its multiple cultures are interconnected by patterns of fulfilling human needs that occur on a global scale. Specific examplesRead MoreVentilator Associated Pneumoni Pneumonia2009 Words   |  9 Pagesbe noncompliant with the bundles, and daily nursing interventions that can reduce VAP. Organization Improvement and Success As previously stated, VAP is one of the most common infections acquired in the ICU and is preventable. Preventing VAP is critical in improving health care quality outcomes. Nurses are at the patient’s bedside and can assist in improving the outcomes. 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