Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Self-experiences influence the dealings of a Counselor Essay

Self-experiences influence the dealings of a Counselor - Essay Example This is the reason when I met one of my clients with a similar problem, I could understand with greater depth the reason for the occurrence of sorrow. My client had a problem with her life partner. He was strict, bold and very much inclined to hurting with thoughts and actions. Just like my teacher could make be lose self-confidence in myself, the client's life-partner could severally disrupt her self-confidence. I had a special sympathy for the case and a genuine interest in helping her out. This is because my own experiences have made me aware of how painful such experiences can be. I therefore held the client's case under sincere consideration and projected every possible help that I could extend. I remember when I use to be late for the class by even a fraction of a minute; I was humiliated as though I was the most disobedient and irresponsible creature on earth. She hardly considered me as a human being with feelings. The same thing was with my client, even her little delay in c ooking food for her partner resulted in a very dominant and practically cruel feedback from him. I understand how bad and depressed a person can feel because of the generations of such negative feelings within the boundaries of survival. The client had suffered a lot because of health reasons. However, the greater source of sorrow for the client was the humiliations and dominant dealings of her partner. The inabilities to deal with harsh words were present in the client and were becoming a constant source of sorrow induction. I could understand the position of the client more so because I had similar experiences in my childhood and youth. Other than my strict teacher, my mother too held a very harsh way of dealing with me. The client too recollected from her past experiences the thoughts of pain, which had resulted in causing a painful presentation of life to her. It is also essential to note that the similarity in the dealings with the same source of sorrow could enable me to understand the position of the client with greater depth and clarity. A regular and continuous source of putting her down was creating tons of mental tortures, which were well understood by both the words, and the expressions of the client. She also remembered how her partner had humiliated her in front of her friends when she was stuck in the wheel chair and could not manage even slight movement because of the depression. She was not helped by her life-partner even in such a depressive position. This really brought much reason for her to weep bitterly. From this episode I remembered how my mother when once I was ill refused to even bring forth for me a glass of water for taking the medicine. In the unhealthy state of body, I tearfully gathered strength to take a glass of water for myself and take the medicine by self-effort. The disease was not so severe or chronic and therefore I was healed very soon from it. However, I can never forget what pain it is when a person is ill and is not being supported. The sorrow of pain of body seems less than the pain of not being helped by others. A continuous torture of words and actions had put me in such a phase that I could not even think of passing out my exams with good grades. There was so much of pain and torture in my life that I have no words to express the pain of my heart. The same was the condition of my client. My client had thought of

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